Physics of Consciousness and Life
Kaznatcheyev V.P., Trofimov A.V.
The distance-information interaction in the "Kozirev space"
There are described the experiments on studying of distant field interactions between alive cages, people, plants. These supervision and experiments with "exit" from a body give the grounds for a conclusion that intellect which is considered as the information or as property, apparently, is "a special substance", the field organization of the unknown form of living matter.
Key words: intellect, field interactions, alive cage, live matter, albumen-nucleic form of life, field form of life.
Boukalov A.V.
Biosphere, physics of elementary particles and gravitation
It is shown that deBroglie's wave-length and gravity radius of such macroscopic objects as a biosphere and its subsystems, including a man, are in inverse accordance with gravity radiuses and lengths of waves of the known elementary particles - proton, electron, plankeon and other. Such conformities show influence of structure of vacuum and "dark energy" on the structure of biosphere and living organisms. Connection of the phenomenon of consciousness with quantum effects is discussed.
Key words: mass of biosphere, gravity radius, wave-length, electron, proton, consciousness, wave function.
Biophysics and Medicine
Novichenko V.G., Shekhovtzov S.V.
Structure of the activated water and its influence on a winter wheat
Review-problem article dedicated to effect of water of different structure on winter wheat. It concerns also basic reasons of absence of holistic perception of water as a living matter in the scientific and social environment when explaining its properties. A model of unity of theory and practice, when dealing with water in issues concerning human health protection, is presented in a scientific-experimental form.
Key words: ideology, water, structure, theory and practice.
Physics of the complicated systems
Serov I.N.
Some substantive provisions of the universal theory of space (UTP)
Main principles of the universal theory of space are in detail stated: a principle of fractal similarity, a principle of an absolute coordination (coherence) and a principle of presence of base constants.
Key words: system, space structure, fractal, hypersphere.
Foundations of Physics
Oleinik V.P.
Fundamental problems of physics: superluminal communication, active heat engines, unsupported motion
The condition of the deepest crisis, overcoming modern natural science, does inevitable the radical changes of bases of physical science, on the necessity of which P.A.M.Dirak specified in the middle of the last century. In this work are briefly expounded the basic results of long-term researches on fundamental physical problems, such as a problem of electron, superluminal communication, a problem of time, nonequivalence of inertial frames of reference, internal contradiction of the special theory of relativity, a power problem, a rotary motion by inertia, unsupported motion, etc. The researches and the results, received on their basis, and conclusions are comprehensive preparation of theoretical base for an exit of physics from the crisis; they open the wide prospects of creation of qualitatively new electronic devices and technologies, in the field of communication media, energy sources, unsupported motion which occurrence is capable to carry out revolution in a technique.
Key words: superluminal communication, active heat engines, unsupported motion, time, inertia.
Theory of evolution
Popov V.P., Krajnjuchenko I.V.
Generality of psychical phenomenon in the Universe
It is considered the unity of laws of development of psyche of all aliving, including a human. Connection of this development with organization laws in the nature as a whole is shown.
Key words: development of psyche, self-organizing, mankind evolution, biosphere, cybernetics, management, self-regulation.